Recruiting and retaining top-notch loan officers (LOs) is a mission-critical task for any mortgage lending organization. In this post, you’ll learn how to lookup loan officer production.
When you recruit mortgage loan officers, being able to look up loan officer production is critical to finding the right future producers. Read on to learn more about the significance of loan officer production lookup as you are evaluating LOs when recruiting. We’ll provide industry insights, review critical LO productivity metrics and offer an action plan to jumpstart your LO evaluation process.
Access a variety of loan officer production metrics using the right mortgage data platform.
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of LO productivity analysis, we need to establish why it’s vital to continuously evaluate LOs in your area. Recruiting a great LO not only increases revenue from origination and closing fees, but also enhances the borrower experience. These factors provide you with a competitive advantage in the market.
Industry-wide statistics underscore the importance of the ongoing recruiting process. In 2020, the average turnover rate for LOs stood at 21%, a testament to the constant flux in this profession. However, during the Great Recession of 2007, the turnover rate peaked at a staggering 51%, highlighting the unpredictability of LO employment.
Furthermore, LOs vary in their productivity levels. While the average LO closes 18-25 loans annually, top performers can secure 35-40 loans per year. Therefore, identifying and recruiting top LOs can significantly impact your revenue stream.
When evaluating LOs during the mortgage loan officer recruiting process, focus on metrics related to productivity and efficiency. Key metrics to examine in your loan officer production lookup include:
Our article on top loan officer performance metrics will help round out your knowledge on specifically what to look for.
While some of this data can be found through Consumer Access, to gain insight into more expansive LO productivity data, you’ll be able to identify top candidates and access more detailed metrics by leveraging a more thorough loan officer database or data guidance system like MMI. Our post on tools to recruit top loan officers is a good place to begin.
View productivity metrics for loan offices and loan officers in specific geographic areas.
Here’s a step-by-step action plan to ensure your organization has a thoughtful approach how to look up loan officer production when recruiting mortgage loan officers.
As you embark – or continue – on your journey recruiting mortgage loan officers, consider watching our webinar about how to search for, identify and target loan officers provide some helpful advice. You can also request a demo of MMI to get an in-depth look at our tools. These resources will provide you with invaluable insights and support in your quest to build a high-performing LO team.
In conclusion, loan officers play a pivotal role in the success of a mortgage lending organization. As you are recruiting mortgage loan officers and move forward as a business, regularly evaluating and improving LO productivity is essential for staying competitive and driving revenue growth. By following the action plan outlined in this blog post and leveraging data-driven tools, you can ensure that your organization is effectively evaluating and recruiting the best LOs for your organization, and always has a strong bench of top LOs ready to excel in a dynamic market.